SRC Approved Salary for a County Governor Per Month in Kenya

SRC Approved Salary for a County Governor Per Month in Kenya


In Kenya, county governors play a pivotal role in the administration and development of their respective counties. One of the most important aspects of their role is their compensation, which is determined and regulated by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). In this article, we will delve into the SRC-approved salary for a county governor per month in Kenya and provide valuable insights into how this figure is determined.

SRC Approved Salary for County Governors

For the Financial Year 2022/2023, the SRC has set the salary for county governors in Kenya as follows:

County Governor Salary in Kenya Per Month Ksh
Basic Salary554,400
House Allowance200,000
Market Adjustment169,600
Total Gross Salary Per Month924,000
  1. Basic Salary: Ksh 924,000 per month
  2. Allowances: In addition to the basic salary, county governors are entitled to various allowances, including a house allowance, transport allowance, and an entertainment allowance. These allowances can significantly increase their overall monthly earnings.
  3. Retirement Benefits: County governors also enjoy retirement benefits, which include a gratuity and a pension plan.
  4. Other Benefits: Depending on the SRC’s regulations at the time, county governors may be entitled to other benefits, such as medical benefit, car loan, mortgage benefit and security services.

Read: SRC Approved Salary and Allowances for an MP Per Month in Kenya

Factors Influencing County Governor Salaries

Several factors influence the SRC’s determination of county governor salaries:

  1. Responsibilities: The complexity and scope of a county governor’s responsibilities play a significant role in determining their salary. Governors are responsible for the administration of their counties, including budget oversight and development planning.
  2. Economic Conditions: The prevailing economic conditions in Kenya, including inflation rates and the cost of living, are considered when setting salaries to ensure that public officers can maintain a reasonable standard of living.
  3. Comparable Positions: The SRC looks at the salaries of other public officers with similar responsibilities to ensure equity and fairness.
  4. Public Input: The SRC may also seek public input and conduct surveys to gauge public opinion on the compensation of public officers, including county governors.

The SRC-approved salary for a county governor per month in Kenya is subject to periodic review and adjustment to ensure that it remains fair and competitive. County governors play a vital role in the development of their counties, and their compensation reflects the importance of their responsibilities. It’s important to stay updated with the latest SRC regulations and announcements regarding county governor salaries, as they may change over time.

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How much does a deputy county governor earn per month in Kenya?

A deputy governor in Kenya earns a gross salary of Ksh 621, 250. The gross salary includes:

Deputy County Governor Salary in Kenya Per Month Ksh
Basic Salary372,750
House Allowance100,000
Market Adjustment148,500
Total Gross Salary Per Month621,250
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